Take 10 minutes out of your Saturday night revelry for a gag reel.
Not just any gag reel, a Friends gag reel.
"I was listening to the radio when I realized I could mix every song I had just heard."This says a lot.
"There's literally no reason I can think of why it has to be heard in America … at no point was the site ever in America.[theguardian]
Go to your Timeline. Click about, under your contact info. Scroll down to "Contact Info" and hit edit. Switch all of the crossed out circle symbols to a full circle for each inbox you want visible on your profile. If you don't want @facebook.com to show up, switch it from a full circle ("Shown on Timeline") to crossed out ("Hidden from Timeline"). This is also a good opportunity to check your privacy settings and make sure your various inboxes are visible only to friendlies. Hit save.A representative from Facebook has responded saying that their reasoning behind it is that they wanted to give people the choice to decide which email to display on their profile.