Saturday, 30 June 2012

Saturday night fever

Take 10 minutes out of your Saturday night revelry for a gag reel.

Not just any gag reel, a Friends gag reel.

You don't say of the day


I weep for humanity; I really do.


Teatime links

Astromech Grill WIN

One more step forward of the day

Mayor of Figueres Santi Vila (L) speaks during a marriage ceremony for multiple groups of partners at the Second European Meeting of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people in Lloret de Mar, near Girona May 1, 2012. REUTERS/Joan Castro/Files

France's new Government is to legalise both same-sex marriage and adoption.

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault office issued a statement saying that the Government has made it an objective to implement the changes within the next few months, and that this reflected changing attitudes towards the issue amongst the French, despite two-thirds of them identifying with the Roman Catholic faith in a 2010 survey.

Opposition from conservatives is expected, with Thierry Vidor of the group Familles de France vowing to take action.


Socially Awkward Penguin IRL

He lives in Japan because of course he does.


Vote for this now. NOW.

geek news - Portal LEGOs of the Day

What two things go together better than Portal and LEGO?

Vote for it on LEGO's Cuusoo site and it could become a reality.


3d Movies


Heartwarmer of the day

Harry the affenpinscher

Harry, a six year old Affinpinscher, was brought to the Massey University teaching hospital veterinary teaching hospital with a degenerative throat condition, struggling to breathe as his trachea was collapsing.

With the only suitable stent in the United States, the team called a human medical supplier in Auckland and within three hours the little guy was out of surgery and able to breathe.

The procedure won't be cheap, though, with a bill of around $6,000 - $7,000 heading to Harry's owners.

But you look at that face and tell me it's not worth every cent.

Hangover cure of the day

Had a bit much to drink last night and feeling it this morning?



Friday, 29 June 2012

Party on, internets

White Russian Roulette, anyone?


About time!

Team Fortress 2's, The Pyro, finally unmasked.


TGIF of the day

Stuck with a wine bottle and no corkscrew? There's science for that, thanks to the NakedScientists.

Why is this not real of the day

Come on, Hollywood; I know you want to.


Tim Burton trailer of the day

The trailer for Tim Burton's latest movie, Frankenweenie is out. 

Featuring the voice talents of Martin Landau, Martin Short, Winona Rider, Johnny Depp, and Helena Bonham Carter.

Lunchtime links

Won't someone please think of the bad guys

YouTubers FATAWESOME show us what it is really like to be a bad guy in a video game.

Morning tea

Travel advisory of the day

The Kiwi drinking culture in full glory as people party on Auckland city's main street, Queen Street. Photo / Dean Purcell

Japanese nationals living in New Zealand have been advised by the New Zealand Japanese Society to be extra cautious around Queen Street due to the presence of drunk and possibly violent individuals.

Society President Masa Sekikawa said that the point of the advisory was not to get people to avoid Queen Street, but rather the measures they could take to keep themselves safe.

Measures included avoiding unnecessary visits to the CBD, keeping to well-let areas, and avoid being intoxicated in the area.

Auckland Mayor Len Brown did not support the advisory, and has recently convened a taskforce aimed at reducing instances of anti-social behaviour in the CBD.


Wedding party fail of the day


Renaming Big Ben

A view of Big Ben and Queen Boudica's statue in London March 10, 2012. REUTERS/Kieran Doherty

To mark Queen Elizabeth's 60 years on the throne, Big Ben is to be remaned 'Elizabeth Tower'. 

The iconic landmark is officially called 'Clock Tower' but is more commonly known by the name 'Big Ben', which is actually the name of the bell inside the tower.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed the news, however public reaction was mixed, with almost half the respondents to a Yougov survey opposed the change.

Ridiculous cake is ridiculous

Insanity. Creamy, cakey insanity.

Good morning, intertubes

As you're enjoying your morning coffee, let howstuffworks show you, um, how it works.

Midnight snack

The dial-up sound, slowed down 700%, thanks to Darkfalky.


Thursday, 28 June 2012

Goodnight, Kiwis


Dotcom news of the day

Kim Dotcom outside court earlier this year. Photo / File

The High Court has ruled that the police raid on Kim Dotcom's home in 2011 was illegal, and the subsequent removal of hard drives was also unlawful.

Justice Helen Winkelmann found that the warrants the Police relied on to conduct the raid were too broad in scope as they were capable of including irrelevant as well as relevant material.

The Court ordered that relevant material is to be delivered to the US authorities and irrelevant material is to be returned to Dotcom immediately. A lawyer appointed by the Court will determine what falls within each category.

Fail compilation of the month

TwisterNederlandTNL is back with loads more fail.

Teatime links

 - This & That

Discovery of the day

Divers waiting to decompress during a dive in the Pearse Reserve near Nelson have discovered three new freshwater species living in the depths - a crustacean, a snail and a worm.

I, for one, etc

This robot will beat you at Rock, Paper, Scissors every time

Japanese researchers have developed a robot that can beat a human at rock-paper-scissors (or should that be roe, sham, boe?), 100% of the time.

This soon-to-be human killing machine uses a high speed camera to detect hand movements and provide the appropriate counter, all within milliseconds.

The researchers hope that this technology will be developed to enhance motion support and human/robot co-operation without delay.

It all starts here, people. DON'T SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED.


Whatisthisidonteven of the day

From the company that gave us a bunless burger, KFC Philippines presents a burger with the cheese on top of the bun.


Afternoon tea

The guys at LAHWF ask random people if they can have a bite of their food.

Not quite as good as Holding the Door Open for People That are Far Away, but still funny.

Cyanide and Happiness of the day

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic



An hilarious commercial from Playboy South Africa, looking at hairstyles through the ages.

Breaking news of the day

Nathan Harris, pictured here in the Bay of Plenty Times at the time of his announcement of inclusion in the Baby Black squad, has come forward over rape claims. Photo / BOP Times

Under 20's rugby player Nathan Harris has been named as the person at the centre of a rape allegation in South Africa.

Harris stated that he was doing so to prevent the finger of suspicion being cast on other players.

He has reiterated his claim of innocence, and apologised to his team for his lack of judgement in letting a woman into his room.

South African police are waiting for forensic results before deciding whether to press charges.

Happy anniversary, Atari!

Timeline of Atari's History


Defining issue of the day

According to a recent US poll, the majority of respondents believe that Obama would fare better than Romney if America was invaded by aliens.

Who did respondents say would be best to tackle the alien threat? 21% argued for The Hulk.


Morning teatime

A white kitten with one blue eye and one gold eye.


Legitimate question of the day

YouTuber JoergSprav addresses a perfectly legitimate question: can you kill a zombie if it's wearing a protective helmet?

Good morning, internets

Some squee for your morning. Four white tiger cubs have been born in a zoo in Ukraine. Even rarer is that one of them is an albino.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Midnight snack

This. Barbeque. Is. Happening. No. Matter. What.


Pop mashup of the day

"I was listening to the radio when I realized I could mix every song I had just heard."
This says a lot. 


Just wrong of the day

Richard O'Dwyer is a 24 year old student from the UK, who started a website where users could post links to other websites that hosted full US TV shows and movies online.

He now faces extradition to the US and potentially 10 years in prison for being the middle man in the war on piracy.
"There's literally no reason I can think of why it has to be heard in America … at no point was the site ever in America.

Tea time links

T_Rex disco

Now or never of the day

Mount Kilimanjaro picture: snow in Africa for now-or-never gallery

Mount Kilimanjaro's glaciers have slipped away at a rate of 80% in the last century, according to the UN, through a combination of climate and land use change.

Better book that hike soon.

Part of a photograph series called "Now or Never" from National Geographic.

Achievement level: Asian of the day

Here is Jackie Chan breaking a cement block while holding an egg. 

Don't try this at home, you'll waste eggs.


I knew it of the day

All those people playing Red Faction: Guerilla? Yeah. Terrorists. All of them.

Brb, playing Red Faction: Guerilla.

(NFSW: Language)


Oatmeal update of the day


Operation Bear Love Good, Cancer Bad has officially ended, with The Oatmeal raising over eleven times the original goal of USD 20,000.00 for charity.

So what now?

Because of the amount donated, it was decided to split the money between four charities instead of two. However FunnyJunk's lawyer, Charles Carreon (carrion, geddit?) has asked for a restraining order stopping the money going anywhere except where it was originally intended.

So thanks, asshat, you've stopped two charities from getting donations.

Just in case you've missed it, here's the letter that started it all.


All hail the Eyeroll Queen of the day

I'm sure she had something interesting to say, but I was too busy counting the number of eye rolls.

It's like she's thinking "Ugh, why do I have to explain it to these people?"


Morning teatime

[above: reddit]

Batman's good food of the day

Batman's Good Food

It's the food Gotham deserves, but not the food it needs right now.

Good morning, internets

From the people at HISHE, how Tangled should have ended.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Late night snack

Suddenly, ducks.

Goodnight, internets

The Aaron Sorkin supercut. Will The Newsroom reuse these tired finely crafted scripts?

Thanks to YouTuber drfunky17, you can decide, with this Sorkinism Supercut.


This is why Nick Fury updated everyone's Facebook pages.


Cutting edge chocolate of the day

Auckland film publicist Lisa Cruse

Aucklander Lisa Cruse cut her gum on a piece of glass she claims was in a Kit Kat she had at a hotel in Queenstown.

Nestle's Communications Manager Maurice Gunnell has expressed concern at the find, saying that the company factories employ a strict 'no glass' policy.

They intend to ask Ms Cruse if she was comfortable sending the fragment to an independent laboratory for testing.


Afternoon tea

Yeah, I know how you feel, little guy.

Now you see it...

Facebook has quietly pulled its 'Find Friends Nearby' feature as quickly as it released it, citing that it wasn't supposed to launch in the first place.

The app, which allowed you to find out which of your Facebook friends was nearby, will most likely be re-released at a later date.


Lunchtime links

PSA of the day

In case you weren't aware, Facebook has changed everyone's default email to You know, that email address you've never used?

Here's how to fix it, courtesy of the folks at Forbes:
Go to your Timeline. Click about, under your contact info. Scroll down to "Contact Info" and hit edit. Switch all of the crossed out circle symbols to a full circle for each inbox you want visible on your profile. If you don't want to show up, switch it from a full circle ("Shown on Timeline") to crossed out ("Hidden from Timeline"). This is also a good opportunity to check your privacy settings and make sure your various inboxes are visible only to friendlies. Hit save.
A representative from Facebook has responded saying that their reasoning behind it is that they wanted to give people the choice to decide which email to display on their profile. 

Isn't that what we had before you chose for us?

Good morning, internet

So this is what Hell sounds like. Jack Douglass reads YouTube comments exactly as they appear on screen.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Lost cat of the day

Tea time

The guys over at Geek and Sundry plead with George R R Martin to write faster so that production on A Game of Thrones doesn't stall.

Or, even worse, that it doesn't continue without him.

NSFW (langauge).

Trusted professions of the day

Once again, firefighters top the list as most trusted profession, while telemarketers languish at the bottom of the list.

I was surprised to see sex workers at number 37. I don't know why I was surprised, I just was.

Stalking ducklings of the day

Somewhere, somehow, you know a duck is following you.

Pictogram songs of the day

Elvis Presley rock pictogram

From Swedish designer Viktor Hertz, Elvis' songs in pictogram.

You can find the rest here.

Lunchtime links

Morning te-coffee

Coffee soda, from Suntory in Japan.

Let me say this again: Coffee. Soda.

Good morning, intertubes

The latest meme to hit the web, meet Skeptical Third World Kid.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Late night snack

Here's a goat scratching its own butt.

Goodnight, Kiwis

PSA of the day

You can accidentally get an STD from a koala

Do you love koalas? Do you love them as much as you love Chlamydia?

If someone picks up a Koala and is urinated on, the Koala can accidentally pass a strain of Chlamydia to the human. 

Getting an STI from a Koala is not something you want to explain at the Sexual Health Clinic.
